studio gid is an interdisciplinary creative studio for exhibition and communication design. We create impactful experiences for spatial, digital and print projects.

»Adidas Expo Booth«
Berlin Marathon Expo 2024
Tempelhof Airpot, Berlin
adidas AG
Exhibition Architecture, Design, Scenography

3000 square meters, 3 days setup time, maximum flexibility with the highest degree of modularity—the requirements for the newly designed adidas exhibition booth at the Berlin Marathon 2024 demanded custom solutions beyond traditional exhibition construction.

Flex Module
With the “Flex Module,” studio gid has developed a modular plug-in system made of stainless steel, offering over 33 unique configurations for product presentation.
The modules can be used as single- or double-sided product displays. Special plug-in connections allow for quick assembly and disassembly with minimal storage space required. Thanks to durable, rust-free stainless steel frames, the system remains long-lasting and low-maintenance.

Footwear Wall
The modular footwear wall offers versatile setup options, such as a cube with integrated storage space or as a wall extending up to 21 meters in length.

Highlight Presentation & Orientation
The visibility of selected products is enhanced through highlight presentations within the Flex Modules. Elevated presentation surfaces, flexibly positionable price and size labels, as well as suspended ceiling elements, ensure clear orientation and blend aesthetics with functionality.

adidas @ Berlin Marathon 24

»Step by step through cancer prevention«
Mobile exhibition, 2024
CCC – Comprehensive Cancer Center
LMU University Hospital Munich
Concept, exhibition architecture, graphic design, production

In the interactive mobile exhibition “Step by Step Through Cancer Prevention,” visitors can discover how to effectively reduce their cancer risk through 12 targeted recommendations at six stations.

Cancer prevention is a long-term process — more of a hike than a short walk. The polygonal shapes of the stations represent a stylized mountain chain, inviting exploration of the content in a playful way. Interactive elements ensure that the topic is presented in a light and engaging manner.

For the implementation, stainless steel frames with glass bead blasting were equipped with directly printed acrylic and aluminum composite panels. The frames protect the panels from impacts and scratches and are durable and robust.

The exhibition can be loaned to institutions and companies. The stations can be flexibly arranged based on spatial conditions—either as free-standing sculptures or in a row.

The entire exhibition can be packed into two wheeled boxes for transport. Only a hex key is needed for setup and takedown.

CCC Cancer Prevention

Home Of adidas Football, 2024
Platz der Republik, Berlin
adidas AG
Event Architecture

For the UEFA EURO 2024, adidas created the temporary soccer hub “Home of adidas Football” on a 20,000 square meter area in front of the German Reichstag. This immersive soccer city was specially designed for fans, allowing people from all over the world to celebrate their enthusiasm and passion for the sport together for a month.

In collaboration with act.3, studio gid designed one of the container architectures: the ADISTUDIO.

The facade features a vertically positioned container clad with screens, serving as a visible landmark from afar. The four distinct rooms of the ADISTUDIO surround a central patio, providing light and ventilation. Each room offers its own unique atmosphere, with openable walls that invite interaction and provide exciting views. Among other activities fans can personalize their adidas products or get styled in the barber shop.


“Olympic Gold for Potsdam”
Old City Canal, Potsdam
State Capital Potsdam
Concept, Exhibition Architecture, Graphic Design

Coinciding with the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, the open-air exhibition “Olympic Gold for Potsdam” opens in Potsdam. The photo exhibition, initiated to honor past and future gold medalists from the state capital, showcases captivating images of sports history, taken by Potsdam photographer Eberhard Thonfeld.

studio gid developed an exhibition architecture that meets the special requirements of the exhibition site. Although no longer in use, the Old City Canal in Potsdam resembles a small biotope more than an exhibition space in its condition. During rainfall, it becomes submerged and is occasionally flooded for specific events to serve as a venue for water sports events by Potsdam’s canoeists.

To accommodate this unique location, studio gid designed a temporary exhibition on stilts that withstands all water conditions through its choice of materials and construction. It is a walkable gallery made of scaffolding, clad with two layers of differently printed banners.

The outer layer piques the curiosity of the viewers: it is translucent, offering glimpses of the interior and displaying large, emotional close-ups of the athletes. The inner layer is opaque, enabling high-quality presentation and focused viewing of the images from within.

The varying densities of the banner layers and the special construction create a dynamic interplay of light and shadow. The images and views overlap, producing intriguing impressions and a light, joyful atmosphere.

Olympisches Gold

»Sustainable animal farming«
Grüne Woche 2024
Messe Berlin
Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft
Concept, Exhibition Architecture, Graphics

As part of the Green Week 2024, studio gid designed a trade fair stand for the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft on the theme of “Sustainable Animal Husbandry”.

Our approach aimed to redefine and shed light on the general understanding of animal husbandry in sustainable agriculture. Our leitmotif for this project was the “change of perspective” to highlight and emphasize the importance of animal husbandry in the ecological cycle of agriculture.

The design of the exhibition stand was divided into three main zones, symbolically extending from the ground to the atmosphere: Agriculture (ground), Everyday Life (eye level) and Climate (atmosphere). Each of these areas was represented by a striking element – a pasture for agriculture, a shopping basket for everyday life and particles for the climate. These elements were designed in larger-than-life scale to offer visitors a new perspective and communicate the key messages in a visually striking way.

The installation was characterized by its bright colors and the striking presentation of the core messages. This not only created a strong long-distance effect, but also invited visitors to take a closer look. Two media stations – a cow diary and a quiz – as well as information texts and QR codes provided additional interactive and informative elements. The QR codes led to a microsite that provided further information, media content and press releases.

Our design made it possible to bring the messages to life on different levels: spatially, interactively and online. The trade fair stand was designed to be a strong photo motif, which also helped to spread the messages far and wide in the media.

FML @ Grüne Woche ’24

»Adidas Footwear Area«
Berlin Marathon Expo 2023
Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin
adidas AG
Exhibition Design, Graphics

Footwear Area
The footwear area was the center of the Adidas presentation for the Berlin Marathon 2023, which presented brand new shoes, breathtaking records and the extraordinary Adios Pro Evo 1. The centerpiece of the Footwear Area is the Footwear Wall, which together with corresponding hanging elements reaches a height of 7 meters. We would like to thank our partners act.3 and Sileo Craft, who were largely responsible for bringing our exhibition design to life.

adidas @ Berlin Marathon 23

»Long Night of Science«
Berlin & Potsdam, 2023
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften e.V.
Campaign conception & implementation, graphic design

At “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” (Long Night of Science) in Berlin, more than 50 scientific institutions present their work in more than 1,300 program points. Given this diversity, studio gid developed a unique communication campaign based on algorithmic art. In cooperation with P3 Projekt, Medienlabor and elekktronaut, the campaign addresses the broad range of topics and institutions.

Generative Key Visuals
Generative Key Visuals” are at the heart of the campaign: particles moving in different rhythms form a symbolic globe, illustrating how each science expands our collective knowledge through its unique view of the world. The particles are controlled and modified by different “operators” within the software used (TouchDesigner), representing the diversity of scientific approaches.

Color system
The campaign uses 18 different variants of the generated images, divided into six different color sets. Each color set is associated with a specific district, allowing the campaign to visually connect to the venue and paint a unified yet diverse picture of the event.

Equal representation of all scientific fields
With the concept of “Generative Key Visuals,” studio gid focuses on the ongoing process of discovery and constant development in science. Instead of highlighting specific scientific fields, the diversity of over 50 participating scientific institutions and their more than 1,300 program items is presented.

Cross-media presence
The diversity generated by the “Generative Key Visuals” enables a broad presence in diverse media formats. Whether print, digital or video, the flexible design enables a consistent and appealing presentation across all channels.

Design and technology
studio gid and elekktronaut’s work for the “Long Night of Science” demonstrates how design and technology can work together to communicate complex messages in innovative ways. By using “Generative Art”, studio gid shows a possible way to visually represent the diversity and complexity of science.

LNDW 23, Berlin & Potsdam

adidas @ Berlin Marathon
»Footwear Experience Area«
Berlin Marathon Expo 2022
Tempelhof Airport, Berlin
adidas AG
Exhibition Design, Graphic Design

Footwear Experience Area
As the main sponsor of the Berlin Marathon, it was a key focus for adidas to present the latest running shoe innovations and sole technologies in a special way.
Therefore studio gid conceived and designed a 340sqm “Footwear Experience Area” as part of the adidas presentation at Tempelhof Airport. The exhibition architecture and graphics we developed were implemented together with our partners act.3 und Sileo Craft to create a unique experience area, which was visited by more than 50,000 people in three days during the Marathon Expo.

Display steles
The shoe and sole technologies are communicated on a series of eight, 7m high stelae, of which 3 are LED video modules. The size of the stelae creates a powerful long-distance effect. When the visitors take a closer look, more in-depth information is conveyed: Illuminated showcases are embedded in the stelae, in which the specific shoe models are presented and explained, like exhibits in a museum.

Test & Try
At a “Tec-Tool” developed by Die Firma J. Oed GmbH, information on the individual technologies can be accessed interactively. In the “Test & Try Area”, running shoes can be tested on treadmills including video-supported gait analysis.

adidas @ Berlin Marathon

Exhibition with interactive media station
Lise-Meitner-Haus, Institute of Physics (HU)
Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Web Design

Can the entire knowledge of physics be represented in the meta-model “Cube of Physics”? Does it possibly even contain the key to the theory of all?
The exhibition project “Cube of Physics” of the Institute of Physics in cooperation with the Institute of Cultural Studies deals with these and other questions.

The “Cube of Physics” can be explored and understood by exploring the spatial sculpture and the media station.
The exhibition will be opened on the Science Campus in Adlershof during the “Long Night of Science 2022” as part of the research group’s accompanying program.

“Physics Sculpture”
The meta-model of the “Cube of Physics” has been transformed into a large-scale sculpture. The cube is one of the five Platonic solids (polyhedra of highest possible symmetry). For the shaping of the sculpture the platonic body which is dual to the cube was chosen – an octahedron. By unfolding the octahedron, all relevant surfaces become clearly visible and invite visitors to explore the meta-model via the stairs and the gallery up to the heights.

Virtual Cube
To make the meta-model accessible, a web application was programmed and integrated into the media station. The subject matter is explained here step by step. While the user is guided chronologically, linearly during “Intro Mode”, he can call up more detailed content with the help of a virtual cube during the interactive “Explore Mode”.

Cube of Physics

Lecture and Event Series
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin e.V.
Freie Universität Berlin
Visual Identity, Graphic Design

The event TRANSLATION GAMES, conceptualized by Dr. Anna Luhn and Dr. Lena Hintze from the Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective” was organized in cooperation with TOLEDO and the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.
It is dedicated to the results of a special literary experimental arrangement. Translators and artists from various disciplines were invited to take an excerpt from the poem “Renga” by Octavio Paz et al., which is based on the form of the traditional Japanese chain poem, as the starting point for their own translation experiment.

The combinatorial folding map was made to accompany the digital event as an interactive publication.

Combinatorial folding map
The combinatorial folding map, on which the contributions of all participants are interpreted visually in whole or in part, enables users to make their own way through Renga and its transmissions, interpretations and rewritings.
New combinations can be invented and the different translations can be brought into contact with each other. Hierarchies between original and translation, between origin and continuation, dissolve in the manifold possibilities of arrangement: separable by folding, all Renga variants are nevertheless connected by the material.

By using special folds, the individual contributions, each scattered on four tiles across the map, can be reassembled; a floral symbol system inspired by the Japanese card game “Hanafuda” (flower cards) assists in this process.

Translation Games

Interactive Exhibition
Grimm-Zentrum, University Library
Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge Design«, HU Berlin
Exhibition Design, Graphic Design

The temporary exhibition in the foyer of the Grimm Center shows an excerpt from the interdisciplinary explorations of sound and the possibilities of its visualization taking place at the cluster. It is about the relation of perception, representation and knowledge.

In the spatial installation “Klang-Wissen-Apparat” (Sound-Knowledge-Apparatus), which consists out of ten exhibits, a kaleidoscopic view on the experience and processing of sound is taken. The emergence, fluctuation, transformation and fixation of sound is explored or visualized and made tangible on various levels of perception. The exhibits are embedded in the natural and cultural science context of sound research and experimentation through cross-references and quotations.

The exhibition furniture stands portal-like in the foyer of the Grimm Library, so that library visitors are automatically drawn to it. At the same time, the object ties in with the existing architecture by referencing the proportions and colors of the foyer.

At interactive stations, visitors can take part on an audio walk, draw water patterns with a frequency controller, form light lines with their voice, make metal plates vibrate and sound through electromagnetic voltage, or immerse themselves in sound-sensitive light spaces.


The cinematic face of the city of Potsdam
Open-air exhibition
EinheitsEXPO, Filmmuseum Potsdam
Potsdam, Film University KONRAD WOLF, P3 Projekt GmbH
Exhibition Design, graphic design

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of German Unity, the host state Brandenburg is organizing a 30-day exhibition in Potsdam’s city center. As part of the EXPO contribution of the city of Potsdam, parts of a larger research project of the Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Film University and Aarhus University will be presented in the exhibition “The Cinematic Face of the City of Potsdam”.

The city of Potsdam, with its internationally renowned studios in Babelsberg and over 100 years of film history, has been deeply influenced and shaped by cinema. This can be seen, among many other aspects, in the not inconsiderable number of streets named after filmmakers, which can be used to reconstruct the history and development of Potsdam’s identity as a film city.

The exhibition design uses the streetlight as a leitmotif. Streetlights are omnipresent in public space and are used as a motif in many classic films. In Potsdam’s cityscape, the streetlamp is not only a light source, but also functions as a carrier of the street signs. Consequently each streetlight in the exhibition marks a street in Potsdam that is named after filmmakers.

The design of the information panels and the selection of portraits of the filmmakers ensure that a spatial relationship is created between them and that visitors encounter the personalities more directly. The city maps on the floor panels refer to the original location of the street names in the urban space.

The exhibition was designed and realized in close cooperation with P3 Projekt GmbH .

The cinematic face of Potsdam



We listen carefully, analyze processes, identify potentials and think outside the box.

  • Concept Development
  • Communication Strategy
  • Digital Tools
  • Creative Consulting

Film, Photo & CGI

Images are integral components of effective communication. We develop visual concepts and implement them as needed, both real and virtual.

  • Art Direction
  • Film & Photo Shoots
  • 3D Models and Renderings

Web & Digital

For the development, modernization or optimization of digital presences, we create and program designs and functions adapted to individual requirements.

  • Web Design & Programming
  • UX / UI Design
  • Interactive Media Installations
  • Generative Art

Graphic Design

Graphic design makes messages visible. Whether layout, infographic, logo or illustration – we help visual communication gain character and identity.

  • Graphic Design
  • Typography and Layout
  • Corporate Design
  • Visual Identity

Spatial Design

By creating exhibitions, show rooms, set designs and installations we translate ideas and content into experience spaces.

  • Scenography
  • Exhibition Design
  • Retail Design


studio gid is a Munich based design studio founded by Franziska Paul and Samuel Sauter.

We transform our clients' goals and content into experience-oriented communication. To achieve this, we develop individual solutions for spatial, digital and print projects.

In our content-oriented design process, we rely on a broad range of expertise from the fields of interior design, scenography, programming, media and event management. Depending on the scope and requirements, we additional work with a wide selection of partners from our network.


studio gid is a Munich based design studio founded by Franziska Paul and Samuel Sauter.

We transform our clients' goals and content into experience-oriented communication. To achieve this, we develop individual solutions for spatial, digital and print projects.

In our content-oriented design process, we rely on a broad range of expertise from the fields of interior design, scenography, programming, media and event management. Depending on the scope and requirements, we additional work with a wide selection of partners from our network.

Spatial Design

By creating exhibitions, show rooms, set designs and installations we translate ideas and content into experience spaces.

  • Scenography
  • Exhibition Design
  • Retail Design

Graphic Design

Graphic design makes messages visible. Whether layout, infographic, logo or illustration – we help visual communication gain character and identity.

  • Graphic Design
  • Typography and Layout
  • Corporate Design
  • Visual Identity


For the development, modernization or optimization of digital presences, we create and program designs and functions adapted to individual requirements.

  • Web Design & Programming
  • UX / UI Design
  • Interactive Media Installations
  • Generative Art

Film, Photo & CGI

Images are integral components of effective communication. We develop visual concepts and implement them as needed, both real and virtual.

  • Art Direction
  • Film & Photo Shoots
  • 3D Models and Renderings


We listen carefully, analyze processes, identify potentials and think outside the box.

  • Concept Development
  • Communication Strategy
  • Digital Tools
  • Creative Consulting


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    studio gid
    Paul & Sauter GbR

    Elisabethstr. 24
    80796 Munich

    +49 (0)89 / 288 582 85‬